Monday, December 10, 2012

Benjamin Franklin

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

(Bifocal glasses are an example of an example of Benjamin;s inventions and his intelligence and the apples are representing the quote.)

Benjamin Franklin was a notorious author, inventor, philosopher, and politician. He is probably most famous for signing the Declaration of Independence.  It is said that without his accomplishments and influence, that America would not have prospered as well as it has. He conducted electricity experiments and invented the indoor stove, the armonica, bifocal glasses, the lightning rod, and the odometer. The quote above is saying that a person will never learn something unless they are given a reason to.  If a person is told two plus two equals four verses holding two apples in each hand and being told it's a total of four, the person will most-likely remember the apples. People associate lessons with events that have occurred.

"Benjamin Franklin." 2012. The Biography Channel website. A&E Networks n.d. Web. Dec 09, 2012.

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